Chat with image

Skimming AI continues to innovate, now offering the capability to interact with images embedded in your PDF documents.
Icon representing drag-and-drop functionality for Skimming's chat image feature.
core features

Enhance your PDFs with image interaction

Direct Image Queries

Simply drag any image within your PDF to a specific area and start asking questions directly related to visuals, such as graphs, charts, mathematical equations, and symbols.

Smart Image Recognition

Powered by GPT-4 Vision, our technology comprehends complex visuals, enabling you to unlock detailed insights from images.

Specialized for PDFs

Currently exclusive to PDF documents, this feature is perfect for academic papers, technical manuals, and any PDF containing significant visual data.

Educational and Professional Utility

Whether you're a student trying to decipher complex academic content or a professional analyzing business reports, this feature simplifies the process of extracting information from visual data.